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You've Gotta Eat

Every mouthful feeds every cell, every time.


That said, it’s about balance. So eat the chocolate (preferably dark) and balance it with an apple the next day.  Life is not about “going without” it’s about making good choices. If, however, any one thing is causing you harm, changing you, driving cravings in the wrong direction and the like, then there might be reason to “give it up”. Check in with yourself. How do you feel after your 4th coffee?  What does the chocolate milkshake do to your tummy? There are so many tell-tale signs that your body gives to indicate it's not really happy with a particular food or food group. It's just a matter of listening!


Have you heard of “crowding out”?  Look at your plate and imagine half of it is covered in “greens”. Crowd out the bad fats, fried foods, breads and cereals etc. with good clean green food. Fill the rest of your plate with a palm-sized portion of meat (if you choose), nuts, whole-grains or a portion of carbohydrates (eg. brown rice, quinoa). Simple!

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