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You've Gotta Rest

This includes sleep but also “down-time”… Life is so busy for most of us, we must take time out to recharge our batteries, let go of the stresses and strains of life and just be with ourselves.  For some this includes yoga and meditation – to calm the mind. And/or belly breathing! There are many techniques that will help your body release built up stress.


Most of us need between 7 and 8 hours of solid sleep each night to function at our best. What do you average? What routine do you have in place to keep your rest time sacred? Never accept it's weak to need your sleep. It's rubbish! Sleep is VITAL to your health & wellbeing.


Do you wake feeling tired - like you haven't slept at all? Brain foggy during the day? Craving happening mid-morning and mid-afternoon? A meal isn’t finished until you eat something sweet?


Do you need more sleep? Need better sleep?


Sleep is vital to our optimal health.  My aim is to support my clients in finding their pattern and committing to getting the rest they need.

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