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You've Gotta Live

Living a healthy, happy and balanced life is not merely about the food we consume.  It’s not just about “eating your greens”. Your “whole” balance is achieved by focussing on and tending to your “primary foods” which encompass love, work, move and rest AS WELL as your secondary foods or “nutrition”. Even if you eat the most perfect bio-individual (perfect for you) diet, if the rest of your life is out of balance, so too will your body be “off-centre”.


My aim as your health coach is to identify the areas that are causing you concern, refocus your goals and ambitions to ensure that all aspects of your world are brought into harmony and then I support you in achieving a life to support the best version of you! 


Every day is a gift. No "ho-hum", no "same s**t, different day". None of that! Eat to Live. Live to SHINE!

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