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Are you as healthy as you feel? Take the test:


Like Usana, I am on a mission to make the world a healthier, happier place.

Our foods today are inferior to that of our for-bares. Globally, people are becoming more malnourished, despite the “super-sizing” of many meals.

Globally, our soils are depleted. Our fresh produce is grown with pesticides and herbicides. Generally, too many meals each week are “processed “ not made fresh. Fast foods are overly processed using hydrolysed oils. Preservatives, colours and additives are standard in packaged goods. Our meats are often produced commercially, inhumanely and in feed-lots where grains (or worse) are standard animal-feed. We drink too much coffee. Alcohol.  Eat too much sugar. Consume too many trans-fats.

Globally, we are getting bigger and sicker – or we’re starving (and that can happen even with a lot of food on offer).

Today, we need to eat NINE apples to get the same benefits as ONE apple 100 years ago.


Look around … illness is everywhere. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, auto-immune conditions, asthma, eczema and the list goes on…and on….


Some talk about supplements not being needed if you eat a balanced diet. Yes, I prefer you to eat the orange than take vitamin C but unless you live on a farm, grow your own organic produce, drink pure water, sleep at least 7 hours every night, meditate to ease the stress of daily life, exercise, work in a career you love and have a collection of spiritually fulfilling relationships, it is my belief we need to supplement our diets. And being consistent with my whole philosophy about nutrition (every mouthful, feeds every cell, every time), I believe it is prudent to only take supplements that are pure and scientifically backed. Usana manufacture the highest rated nutritional supplements available.


Eating Clean
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